A Purpose for Learning: Creating Beautiful and Complex Work

Students who have the opportunity to work on challenging projects that involve complex layers can feel more connected to their work, more motivated to challenge themselves, and more excited to put in effort.

Video Link - "Inspiring Excellence Part 1: Overview," from EL Education.


Students who have the opportunity to work on challenging and complex projects can feel more connected to their work, more motivated to challenge themselves, and more excited to put in effort.

In this video, you will see an overview of a project out of Expeditionary Learning that inspired excellent work in students. The final product was an ebook named, “Slither Snake Stories.” This project involved art, scientific research, writing, music, speaking, and a final presentation. Importantly, students were given many opportunities to revise and improve their work through critical feedback and revisions, helping them to understand that excellent work is the result of hard work, effort, and many revisions.

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