Not Yet

Students are given a grade of NOT YET instead of a letter or number grade if work is not demonstrating mastery.

Many times, students see a grade on an assignment and conclude that there is nothing to be done about it- it is final.  Writing Not Yet on a paper helps students understand that the work is not completed and that it is important to persist when challenged.

Strategy summary:

When grading student work, be it formative or summative, create a cut off point for what you would consider mastery.  All work that does not meet this expectation is marked NOT YET.  When returned to students, explain that they are to revise work and provide guidelines and structure for students to fix their assignments and demonstrate mastery. 

How To:

Before Class:

Create a grading system that meets expectations of your school and allows for students to revise work that doesn't meet standards.  This may include dedicated time each week in class for students to revise or a special time after school they can meet with you.

During Class:

1) Start a class discussion about what it means to get an F on an assignment.  Document student ideas.

2) Explain that your grading practices will be different- there will be no Fs.  Ask for student reactions- how will this change this class?  How will this change your responsibilities?

3) In order for student to understand why the grading procedure is being changed, give a mini-lesson on growth mindset.  Click here for a great resource.

4) Explain that NY ( Not Yet) will be the grade on assignments that have not demonstrated mastery. Provide a structure for students to redo NY assignments along with timing parameters. Share these procedures with fellow teachers and with parents.



Grades:  {[ gradeLevels[2] ]} through {[ gradeLevels[13] ]}

Subjects:  Math,  English / Lit.,  Science,  Social Studies,  Other

Time of year:  Anytime

Class period:  Anytime

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